Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Photo a day Challenge.

This month i've decided to join in on fatmumslim's photo a day challenge. I enjoyed seeing every one's photos & interpretations on the themes in January & have been really looking forward to getting started on February. I will be taking the photos on my iphone & sharing them via Instagram (find me @franklymydear_malea) & i'll also be uploading them to my flickr page here, so you can check them out there if you're not on Instagram. If you're doing this challenge let me know & i'll follow along with you too. Now off to do a photo for day one...........


  1. I'm excited for all of the different days

  2. Hi Malea....thanks so much for popping by my blog.
    Just wanted to say that you are the recipient of the Leibster award ...check out my blog for details.
    Mardi x


Thanks for dropping by my blog, your comments make me smile :-)