Saturday, February 11, 2012

I've been playing.

I could pretend that Amity and i were playing Sylvanian Families in the doll house together.............
but she was at school. 
So my excuse is that Scarlett got her little mitts into there and messed it all up, so as a nice surprise for Amity i tidied it all up for her.
Then i had to take them for a caravan trip outside.
Oh and of course it's not a holiday without photos for the family album.
We  she has a great collection now, all that's needed is a bedroom suite and Mrs Sylvanian told me the other day that she wouldn't mind a little sewing corner.
I can relate to that, so i think a trip to Toyworld is on the books, for a sewing machine for the woman of the house.
My girls are going to get lots of years of fun playing with these...........
okay......... and maybe i will too.


  1. LOL you're funny. Cute photo by the way.

  2. are you still busy playing with the sylvanian family?? waiting for you to update your blog women!!! lol :P x


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