Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tea with me.

I'm linking up with Em at Teacups Too today for her 'Tea with me' posts.

So come sit down and share a cuppa with me......
Let's pop the kettle on and i'll make you a beverage of your choice - heck we may as well even use my  precious teacups and saucers that once belonged to my Gran.
I'll serve you some zucchini muffins with cream cheese frosting that i made yesterday and tell you how we have zucchinis coming out our ears and i'll give you a jar of zucchini pickles to take home with you too, i made those yesterday aswell. Zucchini soup will be on the menu next -once the weather cools down.

Then i'll take you out the back and give you a tour of our vegie patch. The corn is so tall this year and almost ready for picking, tomatoes are finally not far off too and the beans are coming in fast and furious with the zucchinis.
There's nothing better than homegrown produce, my bloke does an awesome job with The Patch.
We'll let the chooks out of the pen and collect maybe two eggs - they're not good layers, my girls.

I'd tell you how the kids started back at school last week and are settling in really well, both so happy to back playing with their friends. I'd have a little whinge about the amount of  notices that are coming home, we are being bombarded with them!

Unfortunately i'll probably be blowing my nose and having coughing fits, i can't seem to shake this yucky head cold. So glad that the kids haven't caught it from me.

Scarlett will probably climb up on your knee and tell you that it's her birthday next week and that she's having a rabbit cake. She'll very carefully show you with her little fingers what number she's going to be.
I can't believe my baby's almost three! I'll reminisce with you about how it doesn't seem that long ago that i held my chubby cheeked, dark haired baby for the first time. Sigh.

I'll tell how i've been busy working lots of extra hours recently, as the boss has been away. And i'll brag about how our little country store won Store of the Year the other day. We are very proud! All our hard work has paid off. I'll also tell you about the exciting new things that are happening with the company.

I'd also tell you that i've been doing lots of walking and really enjoying the exercise, i'm also trying very hard to watch what i eat...........and then i'd probably scoff another muffin and complain about my jeans being so tight.

I hope you enjoyed our cuppa and chat, i really hope i haven't chewed your ears off, please come again x


  1. Oh my goodness, I LOVE this post! Thank you for joining in, I loved "tea-ing" with you. Your Scarlett and my Amie would play, and I would love seeing all the goodness in your veggie patch and be very impressed with your zucchinis. I'd probably ask for a couple, and drop back my favourite zucchini quiche later that day (I can email you the recipe if you like ;) )
    I would also suggest you trying apple cider vinegar with honey for that cold... hope you feel better soon! Thanks again for linking up! xxx

    1. Thanks for the letting me linkup with you! I enjoyed my cuppa and chat :) And that zucchini quiche sounds delicious!

  2. Oh thank you I have so enjoyed my morning tea with you. My head is not in a good place at present, so I'd be pretty poor company at the table, but at the keyboard I had a wonderful morning. thank you.

  3. Omg! that was a good read. Would you believe I actually made a cuppa sat down to check your blog...... I soooooo wish we lived closer so I could steal your zucchinis! Oh and actually have a cuppa with you. Keep up the exercise. I also did a workout before sitting down for my cuppa. Miss you xo

    1. You know i was totally imaging you sitting at the table with me when i was writing this x

  4. I followed your blog through TeaCups Too, and just had to say how much fun it was to read your post. :) I love the photo as well!

    1. Thankyou Abbie for dropping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment :)

  5. Oh tea-ing with you is such a pleasure :)

  6. Lovely tea post! So fun. I'll have some green tea with my zuchinni cake my dear, we have zuchinnis coming out of our ears here too. xx

  7. Thanks for dropping by Sandra - i have plenty of green tea in the cupboard :)

  8. I am a compulsive veggie garden show off as well!

  9. That was lovely tea, thanks so much:) I've just found you via Em from Teacups Too. I plan to join you all for the next one in a fortnight???? Haven't the zuchs been amazing? I've had so many this year and right when I get the perfect pickle recipe in my hot little hands I have only 1 zuch left. LOl Oh, well. I'll be planting more for next year that's for sure.
    Thanks again for the tea:)


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