Sunday, March 20, 2011


Isn't he just gorgeous? I found this little deer in a cabinet in a pokey little op-shop in Maldon. I have had my eye out for deer ornaments like this for a while now & this little one was my first find - all mine for only $2!
His head has been broken & reattached with glue, but he's still perfect to me. It was love at first sight.
Go and visit Sophie & see what treasures she & others have found this week.


  1. very sweet, a little ribbon around his neck will hide the glue join.♥

  2. SOO sweet! The first of many I imagine.

  3. he is perfect! a broken neck just adds character. just gorgeous.

  4. oh wow..i collect bambi & i would've snaffled him up for sure, perfectly CUTE!!

  5. What a handsome and cute little deer. I just love him. Thanks for sharing!

  6. So cute, can never resist a porcelain deer, but this one is extra cute! Nice find!

  7. Very nice find. I was also going to say tie some ribbon around the neck and good as new!

  8. oh oh OH!!!!! wow that would be as awesome as winning lotto ;)
    I have one sweet deer like his given to me on my 30th birthday last year. And have never found another like it. Yours is a sweetie!


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