Friday, March 18, 2011

From the Patch - Spinach/Silverbeet.

Spinach - Silverbeet.......i can never really tell the difference! But you can pretty much use one the same as the other. This was the first year we have grown this & probably wouldn't have if we weren't given a couple of seedlings, but i'm glad we did. I have used it to make Spanakopita (Spinach pie) which is so easy & delicious. Here is the recipe:

150g spinach leaves                                                        
125g ricotta cheese
2 tbsp chopped parsley                                                   
1 egg
150g mashed fetta                                                          
 6 sheets filo pastry
100g melted butter                                                          
 pinch nutmeg
Preheat oven to 180c. Blanch spinach in boiling water. Refresh immediately under cold water, squeeze out excess water & chop finely. Mix spinach with ricotta, egg, fetta, parsley & nutmeg, until smooth. Brush one sheet of filo with melted butter - lay another sheet on top & repeat until all six sheets are buttered together. Lay pastry sheets in a square or rectangle dish. Spoon spinach mix in. Fold pastry ends over to enclose filling completely. Brush top with melted butter. Bake for 30 minutes or until pastry is golden.

Really yummy for lunch or a light dinner with a side salad. Will definitely be growing spinach again next year, if only to make Spanakopita! I also sauteed some last night with a bit of garlic & that was really yum too, kids wouldn't eat it of course. We are now being innundated with apples, so my next From the Patch will be yummy apple ideas.

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