Monday, March 7, 2011

What i am doing - In March.

:: making  rolled fabric flowers using this tutorial - lots of fun!
:: cooking tomatoes still......still being inundated with them
:: drinking water
:: reading "Little Women" a classic that's been sitting on my shelf for a bout 10 years & i've finally started reading it
:: wanting  a new handbag
:: looking out my kitchen window at the last of our beautiful roses
:: playing over at Pinterest
:: wasting time on the pc still. I blame Pinterest
:: sewing working on a cross-stitch i started about 7 years ago
:: wishing we could of had a looong hot summer
:: enjoying the sunshine - for today at least
:: waiting for the long weekend
:: liking that Chas is finally 'getting' into lego
:: wondering about handmade stuff for markets
:: loving living in the country
:: hoping Scarlett will start walking soon - there's pretty dresses to be worn!
:: marvelling at how quickly she's started talking. Think we have another chatterbox on our hands
:: needing funds to get that new handbag & then the boots to match
:: smelling the paper mill.....ewwww
:: wearing black skirt & green floral top
:: following Scarlett everywhere she goes & putting things back after she's pulled them out
:: noticing the evenings are getting colder
:: knowing today is Monday & that means i need to do all my cleaning
:: thinking Australian music is awesome
:: bookmarking pirate party ideas for Chas
:: opening the letterbox.....nope still no happy mail!!
:: giggling at Amity thinking her friend lives in America, because she can't understand her properly when she speaks!
:: feeling forgotten

I've been slack with my posts lately, i know. But i've been busy chasing a little one year old around - boy i'd forgotten how much toddlers keep you on your toes! She's into everything at the moment. As i mentioned above, i've also been cross-stitching - i was sorting through some stuff the other day & came across this project i started almost seven years ago. I was nearly due to have Chas when i began it & then when he was born, well.........cross-stitch got shoved into a cupboard & forgotten about! Now, three kids later, i'm giving it another go - i don't care that cross-stitch may be 'dorky', i'm really enjoying it. I find sitting with a needle & thread very relaxing. What about you? What have you been up to?


  1. I have been missing my "frankly" updates! Happy mail has started (not sure of finish date), butterfly cushion coming along nicely (will email a photo soon), began collecting project ideas and patterns, went through some necklaces I made and forgot about. Thats a sample what I have been up to. xo

  2. oh no, cross stitching is not 'dorky' and if it helps you relax, all the better.

  3. Love hearing about all the things you have to say...missing you and our chats. I have been busy chasing after 4 kids every day, but I love it, can't wait till my couse to start now. Also, me and India made those button biscuits yesterday... didn't quite as good as yours! Hope you aren't still feeling forgotten. xxx

  4. Oh my I love the link for the rolled fabric flowers! I can't wait to made some! Fab, thank you!


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