Thursday, November 29, 2012

Taking a breather.

Phew. What a crazy couple of weeks we've had around here!
Just dropping in for a quick update, i really should be heading to bed but right now i'm enjoying some 'quiet time' that wonderful moment when all my household is peacefully sleeping........and so should this night owl.
So, i had a mega busy week at work last week - we had our awesome twice yearly sale on and were run off our toes! Then on Saturday, my mum hosted a family get together at her place. One of her cousins was visiting from Italy and wanted to meet some family members - of course being Italian, we have a big family.
The poor guy could barely speak a word of Italian, but it was lovely to meet him and we attempted a conversation - we did well with only a little bit of translation needed! 

I love hearing the Italian language, it reminds me so much of my grandparents.

The next day it was my sweet girl Amity's seventh birthday.
She had been counting down for months - this girl loves birthdays, but in saying that she never asks for anything, whenever we ask her what she'd like for her birthday, she'll just shrug and say "i don't know".
So for a few months i've been squirrelling away little bits and pieces i knew she would like and on the morning of her birthday she had lots of pressies to open.

I awoke (very early) to her beaming little face right in my face - oh how i wish i could freeze that moment.......she never said a word, she was just grinning from ear to ear but somehow i knew she was there.
We had a small party here for her with some close friends with lots of girly pink touches.

I still can't believe she's seven! We were telling her her birth story the other day - how she came out so quickly, she almost ended up in the loo....................Chas and her thought that was hysterical. (That'll be a story for another day).
Now we're on the home-stretch to Christmas and the Silly Season is here in all it's wonderful glory.......not.
Oh yes, the Grinch is back.
Things aren't going to slow down in a hurry. I've got a busy week ahead with one day off work in the next seven (give me strength!), so things may be a little bit quiet around these parts for a while.
And now i must really hit the sack, my littlest poppet and i are having a baking day tomorrow.
Good night lovelies xxx

Monday, November 19, 2012

Warm weather outfitting.

Summer is on it's way............i can taste it!
Time to dust off the thongs (flip flops for non-aussies), and strip off some layers.
We had a couple of warm days last week and this is my new favourite warm-weather-busy-mum outfit: the maxi skirt was a bargain buy and my owl necklace completes my outfit.
I'm sharing my outfit over at the new blog, Together in Ten, go check out what others are wearing and find some great fashion tips too.
I'm looking forward to some more summer outfits.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Swallowed up.

My apologies friends for my long, long absence.....................but i think life just came along and swallowed me up!
Honestly sometimes I've just got to put my hands up, take a deep breath and take a step back. 
And then I've got to remember that these days will most certainly be the busiest of my life - i'm a mother, i work part time, i have three kids, one of whom is still just a toddler & that's not mentioning the fourteen animals we have (oh yes, i just added them all up and can't believe it myself).
So what am i up to right now? 
Right now, i'm nursing a very unwell little boy who has come down with a nasty virus - he should be at his first school sleepover right now.
I'm also planning a very excited-almost-seven year old's birthday for next weekend.
I'm saying goodbye to babyhood - we've packed the cot away and given away other baby things we no longer need and stopped buying nappies for good!
I'm trying to save a baby bunny's life, rats have been eating it's siblings (sorry if you were eating dinner), so mum & baby have been put in a safer spot and rat sack has been purchased. Finger's crossed this latest little bunny survives.
I've become addicted to coffee again after a 13 year absence. How does that happen?!
I'm trying to shed the few extra kilos that i have 'popped' on recently (lets just call it my winter coat), unfortunately i just fell off the wagon and ate a chocolate brownie for dinner. Whoops.
I'm getting ready for a crazy, busy, hectic couple of weeks at work & lots of extra shifts.
I'm also gathering Christmas gifts and getting prepared for the coming silly season. (ugghh)
And i'm mostly dreaming of January and lazy, spontaneous Summer days with my family.

So how about you? What have you been up to the last few months? What are you up to right now?