Sunday, January 27, 2013

From The Patch........Parsley.

Sometimes when The Bloke is planting out The Patch, he gets a tad over excited and plants too much of one thing. This year it's parsley. We have loads and loads of parsley.
Parsley is good but there is only so much you can do with it - so other than garnishing every meal with it to make it look like a pub meal - i make tabouli.*
I love it, so yummy and so healthy. 
You'll need to think ahead before you make a batch as the burghul needs to be soaked overnight.
I don't really have a recipe as such, so here's how i make mine:

A very large bunch of parsley - finely chopped,
A handful of burghul (cracked wheat) - soaked overnight, 
2 tomatoes - diced,
2 spring onions - sliced,
1 clove garlic - crushed,
brown vinegar,
olive oil.
Drain burghul and squeeze out excess water, add to parsley with tomatoes, spring onions & garlic. Splash with oil and vinegar and give it all a good toss. Season to taste

Yeah, i know very vague recipe.....but hopefully you get the gist, because it's really worth all that fine chopping!

*Spell checker is informing me that i have spelt tabouli incorrectly - tough that is the way i like to spell it!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Colour me happy!

Usually i'm a plain, boring black/white/neutral - no colour kind of girl. I'll admit it. 
But lately i'm embracing colour............lots and lots of pretty colours - particularly yellow, turquoise, coral pink and mint green.
I just want to decorate my home and dress myself and my children in lots of delicious colours.

Colour is putting me in a happy, sunny, motivated mood. And i like it!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What i am January

Ah january..........these are the warm sunny days i crave most of the year and they're finlly here. Bliss.
Thankyou to you lovelies who visited my blog recently and taken the time to leave a sweet comment, you have made me smile!
This is my first 'what i am doing' post for 2013 - let's see if i can do this for a whole year!

: : listening  Mumford & Son's "I will wait" is my latest favourite song
: : cooking  been too hot to cook much lately, we've been eating loads of salad
: : drinking  water, water, water (and a couple of coffees)
: : reading   I have been reading 'The Enchanted Wood' by Enid Blyton with Chas everynight. Love it.
: : watching   nothing - summer tv sucks
: : wanting  some house plants
: : pondering  a party for Scarlett's 3rd birthday next month?
: : sewing  doing a spot of hand embroidering, my kind of sewing
: : wishing   some close friends can sort out a sad sitaution
: : enjoying   watching my kids enjoy summer in the pool
: : missing  winter knits. truth.   
: : looking   forward to catchup with some old friends that's in the pipeline
: : liking   having my creative mojo back
: : wondering  why Enid Blyton books have never been made into movies? Imagine.
: : loving   planning dinner around the fresh produce coming from The Patch
: : hoping   for a family picnic day asap
: : believing   Scarlett is so obsessed with Peppa Pig, she's starting to develop an english accent!
: : wearing   today i wore my favourite green harem pants & white lacey tee
: : considering  letting my hair be naturally curly again
: : noticing   more people instagramming & less blogging
: : thinking   of all those who have been effected by recent bushfires
: : needing   to find some accesories for a new dress to wear to an upcoming wedding
: : marvelling   at how fast the summer holidays are flying by
: : trying   to stay on track with my 2013 hopes. i'm doing good!
: : smelling   Flower Bomb......yes i got it :)
: : feeling   fresh as a daisy

{my latest project, a little something just for me}
What are you believing/wearing/enjoying/missing/cooking?
If you post a similar list, please let me know, i'd love to read it.
Happy January my lovelies x

Saturday, January 12, 2013

{this moment}

{this moment}  - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment i want to pause, savor and remember.

Linking up with Soule Mama.

P.S......I know it's actually Saturday here in Australia and it did only take me until i almost posted this to realise, oh well.

Friday, January 11, 2013

blah, blah, blah

I'm back in that place again - that blogging funk place.
I really want to blog at the moment, i do, but the words just are co-operating........nothing's flowing.
I've sat here and typed and deleted and's all just blah! Sometimes i can think of lots to blog about, like in bed at night when i'm desperately trying to fall asleep but in my head i'm writing wonderfully worded blog posts - then it comes to the morning and.......nothing.
We are in the middle of summer here - lovely long carefree days. So far i'm doing a pretty good job with my hopes list, yesterday i did an op-shop run after i cleaned out my recipe book cupboard and i've had a lovely creative burst - Amity and i spent a day creating some gorgeous softies (the results of which i will share soon), i've also begun collecting pretties for our bedroom makeover. My next plan is to clean out my kitchen cupboards and get rid of all the crap stuff that never sees the light of day.
We have a wedding coming up in a few weeks, i found my stunning dress the other day and am really looking forward to frocking up and Amity found her this gorgeous dress.

Isn't it beautiful? Such a perfect dress for her, she loves it and so do i. Everytime i look at this photo i marvel at how grown up she's looking (and at how much of a poser she's becoming).
Well that's enough of my blah, blah, blahing. With a bit of luck next time i'm sitting here having a chat with you, it'll be a little more interesting.

*I'm having a lot of trouble lately saving photos on this computer, took me forever to add this one. Computers and i have never really had a good track record & i came close to throwing mine out the window this morning. If future posts have no will know computer has won the battle.
But i am a fighter - i don't give up easily!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

hello 2013

Farewell 2012, please take with you coloured jeans, earthquakes and that god damn gangnam style song!
And hello to 2013.

I like thirteen, it's my lucky number.....seriously! I have a good feeling about this year.
So, a new year always has me thinking i should be making 'resolutions' - but i think resolutions are made to be broken. So instead i made a list of hopes.
Things i hope to begin, achieve and do.
* Be more creative, sew more, paint, embroider..........create, create, create
* Eat a more healthier diet, more homegrown foods, less processed and eat when only hungry.
* Clean out every cupboard, shelf and drawer in this house and purge, purge, purge!
* Spend less, save more. Think before buying.
*More roadtrips, travelling and exploring with my family.
*Nurture my children's talents and help them explore new things.
* Redecorate our bedroom........introduce light and colour.
* Be more thoughtful and generous........let people know they are special to me.

So there you go, nothing too extravagant - all highly achievable and completely attainable.
What are your hopes for 2013? Have you made a list?