Monday, January 17, 2011

Keeping Busy.

I can't believe the school holidays are nearing an end, they are just flying by far too quickly! I always have lots planned to keep the kids occupied, but too often can never squeeze it all in. Last week we went & stayed with friends in Melbourne, who have just had their second gorgeous little boy (what is it with boys this year?! 2011 seems to be the year of the boy), we had plans to take the kids to the Creepy Crawlies sand sculptures at Frankston but to all of our disappointment the rain put a stop to that. We are going back on Saturday, so hopefully we'll have some sunshine this visit. I did however manage to do a spot of shopping (oh how i love thee Melbourne shopping centres!!) & Cotton On Kids was on top of my list - i love this store, i never fail to finds lots of trendy bargains for all three of my kids...................i'm still hoping & praying they'll open a store here where i live (and i'm sure The Bloke is hoping & praying they WON'T).
We also spent a couple of days in our home town staying with our parents, it's always nice to go back - the kids love it - lots of bushwalks & chook egg collecting & playing with their cousins for them.
Then of course it's  back home to reality & after two days, i've finally caught up with the washing. Sheesh. We are planning a few lazy days at home this week, with a trip to the movies for the two bigger kids & catching up with some friends for a play date. I also managed to squeeze in some sewing today, made some pj shorts for my boy - much to his excitement. Photos coming soon. Before school goes back i'm really hoping for two more family road trips - one to visit my cousin & her family in Castlemaine & a sister in Leongatha - finger's crossed we'll get these in!
Lastly, over the past week i have been devastated by the images i have been seeing in the papers & on the TV of the awful floods in Queensland, my heart goes out to all those poor people who have been affected at this horrible time. Seeing what so many have suffered has put my life into perspective & makes me so grateful for my beautiful little family & what we have. xxx

1 comment:

  1. thumbs up for the family road trip! Can't wait to see a photo of the pj shorts.


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