Friday, February 25, 2011

Four happy things on Friday.

This week i've decided to join in with Kel over at Green Tea and Red Nails & share with you four happy things on Friday from our week.
Planting a new succulent garden. (Note to self: should've removed weeds before taking photo). Can't wait til all the succulents grow & spread across the space.
Finally made this skirt for Scarlett, i'd had it cut out & waiting to be sewn up for months. It's made from a fine cord fabric & will be perfect for winter with some white tights & a little cardi.

Some footpath art. Please ignore Amity's 'just got out of the pool' hair.

And reading the newest additions of my two favourite mags with a cup of tea. I love magazines....sigh.
Happy Friday to you all, time to switch the alarm clock to 'off' & enjoy the weekend! Hope you all enjoy yours. x

1 comment:

  1. yay! your week looks lovely :)

    cant wait to see some more photos of the succulent garden as it grows!

    p.s - isn't this months frankie fabulous??



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