Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pirate Party Done & Dusted.

Well we had the much anticipated pirate party yesterday.....

We had the party at home - i know.....gasp!!!  I realize that having a party at a play centre, pool, gymnastics centre, fast food outlet etc, is a heck of a lot easier, but i personally can not get my head around paying a crazy amount of money for a measly amount of crappy food & a miserable icecream cake - besides.......this mumma enjoys creating a party with a theme.

I found the free printable bunting, cupcake wrappers & toppers over here & she also has invitations & a few other goodies in the pirate theme. Aren't they wonderful?! A lovely friend gave us the little treasure chests & a big inflatable treasure chest (which i forgot to take a photo of), we filled the mini treasure chests with some treasures & locked them, at the end of the party we gave each child a key to open them. The big treasure chest was used for the guests to place their gifts in.

We entertained the kids with a treasure hunt outside & of course buried the prize in the sandpit. It was far too wet & sloshy in the backyard for them to play unfortunately, so we stayed indoors & ate & played more games.

And naturally there was cake!! Isn't this cake awesome? I am lucky enough to have a very talented sister & sister-in-law who can create wonderful kids cakes, my sister-in-law Holly made this pirate ship cake for Chas & she did such a great job, he loved it!
So that's it. We had one very tired pirate by the end of the day, but a very happy one too.
All over for another six months....i am already planning a rainbow theme for Amity.....


  1. oh wow what a great looking party, well done.

  2. WOW weeee That looks fantastic! I have been waiting to see how it all went. The little chests were a great idea. And Holly, the cake looks awesome. When you see how much fun your child has had it really makes all the work worth it. xo

  3. Love to see an old fashioned kids party...and that cake so clever....


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