Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What i am doing - In May

May! We've got a busy month ahead, lots of birthdays & appointments coming up.  So here's what i'm up to....

:: making   lots & lots of yummy bread products lately....mmmm comfort food

:: listening  fallen in love with John Butler all over again 

:: cooking  cauliflower soup is on tonight's menu - don't knock it 'til you've tried it!

:: drinking  jasmine green tea - what else?

:: reading  Country Style magazine

:: wanting  those boots i saw the other day. desperately.   eeek, i'm getting them for     mother's to act all surprised for the kids!!

:: looking  for some time to get some sewing done

:: playing  with the look of my blog, i'm finally getting it the way i want

:: wasting  precious sleep time every night reading

:: sewing  same as last month - need to pull my finger out, me thinks

:: wishing  for a getaway. anywhere

:: enjoying  the long walks i've been taking daily. i've been a good girl

:: waiting  for news on a little baby's arrival......exciting times!

:: liking  that it's mother's day on sunday

:: wondering  why don't manufacturers make more fabric & papers in yellow?

:: loving  looking through my gran's old photos - so many memories

:: hoping  that the results we are waiting on come through negative

:: marvelling  at how quickly our easter eggs are disappearing (actually, i shouldn't be surprised)

:: needing  to get op-shopping, it's been too long

:: wearing  jeans, cardi & purple top

:: following  all the royal wedding details....oh that dress!

:: noticing  Chas really needs some positive motivation at the moment

:: knowing   i've just got to have confidence in myself

:: thinking  my computer is RS

:: bookmarking  vintage images, love them

:: opening  the linen closet & thinking i really must sort all the clutter out asap

:: giggling  at Scarlett's 'birdy' obsession

:: organising  Chas' 7th birthday party. fun, fun, fun

:: feeling  anxious
And this is them in May, being them. Hope you all have a lovely May.


  1. Your blog is looking gorgeous btw. Enjoy mothers day on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it too.

  2. loving the blog changes! looks great :)

    have a fabulous mothers day... enjoy the new boots!

    kel x


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