Friday, December 14, 2012

What i am December.

It's been a while since i've posted one of these, i find them a good way for me to get out of a blogging funk. So here i am throwing another one in before 2012 ends. If anyone is out there (hello? hello?) or if anyone cares - here's what i'm up to this December.
: : listening  To Playschool. Is it not the best kids show ever?
: : cooking  I made one of my favourites this week - lamingtons.
: : drinking  Too much coffee.
: : reading  I'm in a reading funk lately, any suggestions? Good books or blogs?
: : watching  One Born Every Minute series, it's my favourite show.
: : wanting  A new handbag, new shoes, new perfume.......*hint hint hint*
: : sewing  Little felt christmas labels for teacher gifts
: : wishing  My old self a Happy Birthday this week
: : enjoying  My kids getting lost in the magic of christmas.
: : waiting  For the postie......hurry up, i'm waiting for some happy mail.
: : looking  Forward to the school year finishing
: : liking  Blogging again.
: : wondering  How many years it'll take the Jehovah's to give up trying to convert me. Seriously!
: : loving  The latest giveaway prize i won, thanks Mel!
: : hoping  For a looooong hot summer.
: : believing  I have the best MIL ever.
: : wearing  Black singlet and harem style pants - cool and comfy.
: : considering  What are our best treatment options going to be for our girlie.
: : knowing  We are going to have a great time over the summer holidays :)
: : noticing  Neon everywhere. Sorry, it's just 80's fluro to me.
: : thinking  It's almost time to whip up the shortbread.
: : needing  To finish my chrissie shopping asap.
: : marvelling  That another year is almost over.
: : trying  To shed my 'winter coat' clothes are a little tight lately.
: : smelling My new perfume, love, love love it!
: : feeling  Like i'm coming down with man-flu.

That's me for December people! What are you up to? 
Have you finished all your Chrissy shopping and avoiding all the cranky people out there?
I hope you're all a little more organised than me and are having a lovely relaxing start to summer. x

Sunday, December 9, 2012


This weekend we discovered perfection.
I just finished a full-time working week - six full days - something this mumma isn't used to! So all i wanted was a relaxing commitment free weekend to chill with my family.
Saturday morning we wandered around our local craft market & purchased a few new plants, local honey, strawberries & some rocks...........yes rocks, my kids love them.
After lunch Chas asks "what can we do today?", it was quite a warm day so I said "let's go find some water!" So we decided to pack a quick bag, then headed for the hills in search of a little creek to dip our toes in.
I totally love these spontaneous moments.
After a couple of stops to find a suitable spot that didn't have waist high snake ridden grass to wade through, we found the perfect spot.

We found our new favourite spot to hang this summer. 
The water was amazing - i was quite surprised, we've had a couple of cooler days and it was our first warm one in a little while - but it was definitely not cold.
We had the best time playing in the water, exploring the creek, chasing floating thongs, eating watermelon and collecting rocks. (Yes, more kitchen bench looks like a quarry right now).

We have plans to return to our spot over summer.
Then we returned home to cook homemade burgers and sit out under the tree in the backyard for some alfresco dining..................ahhh summer............i completely adore thee!
I'm now all relaxed and refreshed and ready to tackle a week's worth of  ironing................back to reality!

How do you plan to spend your summer days?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Taking a breather.

Phew. What a crazy couple of weeks we've had around here!
Just dropping in for a quick update, i really should be heading to bed but right now i'm enjoying some 'quiet time' that wonderful moment when all my household is peacefully sleeping........and so should this night owl.
So, i had a mega busy week at work last week - we had our awesome twice yearly sale on and were run off our toes! Then on Saturday, my mum hosted a family get together at her place. One of her cousins was visiting from Italy and wanted to meet some family members - of course being Italian, we have a big family.
The poor guy could barely speak a word of Italian, but it was lovely to meet him and we attempted a conversation - we did well with only a little bit of translation needed! 

I love hearing the Italian language, it reminds me so much of my grandparents.

The next day it was my sweet girl Amity's seventh birthday.
She had been counting down for months - this girl loves birthdays, but in saying that she never asks for anything, whenever we ask her what she'd like for her birthday, she'll just shrug and say "i don't know".
So for a few months i've been squirrelling away little bits and pieces i knew she would like and on the morning of her birthday she had lots of pressies to open.

I awoke (very early) to her beaming little face right in my face - oh how i wish i could freeze that moment.......she never said a word, she was just grinning from ear to ear but somehow i knew she was there.
We had a small party here for her with some close friends with lots of girly pink touches.

I still can't believe she's seven! We were telling her her birth story the other day - how she came out so quickly, she almost ended up in the loo....................Chas and her thought that was hysterical. (That'll be a story for another day).
Now we're on the home-stretch to Christmas and the Silly Season is here in all it's wonderful glory.......not.
Oh yes, the Grinch is back.
Things aren't going to slow down in a hurry. I've got a busy week ahead with one day off work in the next seven (give me strength!), so things may be a little bit quiet around these parts for a while.
And now i must really hit the sack, my littlest poppet and i are having a baking day tomorrow.
Good night lovelies xxx

Monday, November 19, 2012

Warm weather outfitting.

Summer is on it's way............i can taste it!
Time to dust off the thongs (flip flops for non-aussies), and strip off some layers.
We had a couple of warm days last week and this is my new favourite warm-weather-busy-mum outfit: the maxi skirt was a bargain buy and my owl necklace completes my outfit.
I'm sharing my outfit over at the new blog, Together in Ten, go check out what others are wearing and find some great fashion tips too.
I'm looking forward to some more summer outfits.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Swallowed up.

My apologies friends for my long, long absence.....................but i think life just came along and swallowed me up!
Honestly sometimes I've just got to put my hands up, take a deep breath and take a step back. 
And then I've got to remember that these days will most certainly be the busiest of my life - i'm a mother, i work part time, i have three kids, one of whom is still just a toddler & that's not mentioning the fourteen animals we have (oh yes, i just added them all up and can't believe it myself).
So what am i up to right now? 
Right now, i'm nursing a very unwell little boy who has come down with a nasty virus - he should be at his first school sleepover right now.
I'm also planning a very excited-almost-seven year old's birthday for next weekend.
I'm saying goodbye to babyhood - we've packed the cot away and given away other baby things we no longer need and stopped buying nappies for good!
I'm trying to save a baby bunny's life, rats have been eating it's siblings (sorry if you were eating dinner), so mum & baby have been put in a safer spot and rat sack has been purchased. Finger's crossed this latest little bunny survives.
I've become addicted to coffee again after a 13 year absence. How does that happen?!
I'm trying to shed the few extra kilos that i have 'popped' on recently (lets just call it my winter coat), unfortunately i just fell off the wagon and ate a chocolate brownie for dinner. Whoops.
I'm getting ready for a crazy, busy, hectic couple of weeks at work & lots of extra shifts.
I'm also gathering Christmas gifts and getting prepared for the coming silly season. (ugghh)
And i'm mostly dreaming of January and lazy, spontaneous Summer days with my family.

So how about you? What have you been up to the last few months? What are you up to right now?

Monday, June 18, 2012

My style.

So, i was unpacking new stock at work the other day and thinking about the things i would wear and the ones you wouldn't catch me dead in.........and then i suddenly got to wondering-
If i dropped dead tomorrow, what would they dress me in to bury???
I know, crazy, but it's a valid point don't you think? People often discuss the songs they want played at their funeral, but do they ever discuss their outfit?

So what's my "style"?

I wear skinny jeans almost everyday. Jeans are my go to (lucky i work in a jeans store).
I rarely do patterns or florals.
I like stripes.
I like neutral and earthy colours. I don't do brights.

Source: via Malea on Pinterest

I like boots and ballet flats.
I always wear accessories - earrings, scarves, necklaces and rings.
I love cardis and blazers.
I don't think i'll ever wear anything with animal print.

Source: via Malea on Pinterest

l have a fondness for lace, ruffles and frilly bits.
I love long skirts and maxi dresses.
I love trawling pinterest and adding clothes and outfits to my "this is mumma's style" board
and i love helping customers at work find a perfect outfit for them.

Source: via Malea on Pinterest

I guess you could call me a fashion victim - always have been, always will be.
So, what's your style? The one clothing item you can't live without? What would you like to be buried in?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Winter Sun.

We had rain here early last week, a lot of rain. You may have heard about the floods here in Gippsland on the news.
So on glorious days like today, when the sun is shining in winter, we excitedly head outside and hang our washing on the clothes line and make the most of those delicious rays.

And begin to count down the days to summer.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What i am doing...........In June.

Hello. I'm sorry this place has been very neglected the last few months, i've been in a massive blogging funk (like this lady here, hopefully her's is not as bad as mine - i'd have withdrawls if she didn't post). I've started many posts and left them waiting in my drafts........ So i thought perhaps the best way to get back into it was with one of my fun "What i am doing" post - i always enjoy writing these! By the way, it's June?!  Where is 2012 going?
Anyway here goes............

:: listening  to Scarlett sing 'paradise' by Coldplay all day, everyday. No nursery rhymes for that girl!
:: cooking  Potato & Leek soup is now my new fave.
:: drinking  hot chocolate weather is definitely here.
:: reading  'Don't wake me at Doyles', a tough Irish woman's biography.
:: watching Offspring season 3 - yay!
:: wanting  our bunnies to have more babies, i found two dead ones in their hutch the other morning :(
:: pondering  whether breeding rabbits is such a good idea? lol
:: sewing  have some lovely fabric to cut out to make some pretty nappy covers
:: wishing the new bridge they are building near us won't take long. We are tired of the long detour already.
:: enjoying  winter fashion. I love cardis, jackets, boots and scarves.
:: missing  our dear Grandma, it's been a month now.
:: waiting  for some test results, i need answers.
:: looking  through my Jamie Oliver books, for something new and yummy to try.
:: liking  my girls in tights, tights are nice.
:: wondering  when our ladies are going to start giving us more eggs
:: loving  my new perfume 'Heat Rush', lovely and fruity (silly name though........ i keep thinking heat rash. lol)
:: hoping  my kids bring home lovely school photos again this year.
:: believing  our house has become a chinese laundry, trying to get all our washing dry.
:: wearing  good old hoodie and comfy jeans
:: considering  after trying to grow my hair long again, to go short short.......hmmmm
:: knowing  i will never like my hair whatever i do with it
:: noticing  i'm wearing too much black lately.
:: thinking  it's time i just picked a date & went on a train journey
:: needing  some colour in my life!
:: marvelling  at how easily Scarlett has been to toilet train.
:: trying  to find a little time to sew
:: smelling  like chlorine from the pool today, after two showers it's still lingering.
:: feeling  inspired to blog again. Maybe.

Well there we go, not as hard as i thought! Happy June peoples, stay warm and if you're one of those lucky Northern Hemisphereans just beginning summer - stop teasing us with your beach shots already!!! Ha ha ha.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Missing in action.

Anybody still here??? You've all probably given up all hope of finding a fresh post here & ditched me long ago, but if you are............ HELLO, do you miss me? So where have i been? Well a few months ago our computer pooped itself, the plan is was to get it fixed or get a newy............then things have happened, we've all been busy, crook and to be quite honest - i'm actually enjoying the break. Shock, horror, i'm also actually getting things done - i've been cooking stacks, reading lots of books, watching some tv and movies and enjoying a bit of stitching............but most importantly, sleeping. I've come to realise how much time i have wasted sitting on my wide acre getting lost in blog land, but i am still keeping in touch with the cyber world via facebook, instagram and pinterest on my iphone. This lovely long Easter weekend i'm staying at my parents and have snuck onto their computer for a wee catch up, i've missed you guys! So let's just say a trip to a geek shop may or may not be on our radar this week..............stay tuned (but don't hold your breath, i'm the procrastinator of all procrastinators).  I hope you've all had a wonderful filled Easter, lets just say mine has included one vomiting child, a few nits and plenty of choccie!
She totally got the Egg Hunt thing this Easter!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I've been playing.

I could pretend that Amity and i were playing Sylvanian Families in the doll house together.............
but she was at school. 
So my excuse is that Scarlett got her little mitts into there and messed it all up, so as a nice surprise for Amity i tidied it all up for her.
Then i had to take them for a caravan trip outside.
Oh and of course it's not a holiday without photos for the family album.
We  she has a great collection now, all that's needed is a bedroom suite and Mrs Sylvanian told me the other day that she wouldn't mind a little sewing corner.
I can relate to that, so i think a trip to Toyworld is on the books, for a sewing machine for the woman of the house.
My girls are going to get lots of years of fun playing with these...........
okay......... and maybe i will too.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What i am February.

It's that time again friends - hello February! Put the kettle on and make yourself a cuppa, then settle down, get comfy and see what we are all up to this last month of summer.............

: : listening  to buses - our once quiet street has just become a bus route.
: : cooking  trying my hand at this space
: : drinking  pineapple & coconut juice has become a fave
: : reading  Desert Flower by Waris Dirie, what a fascinating life she's lead
: : watching  TV's hardly on here lately and i like it
: : wanting  anything from this shop
: : pondering  whether to do bunks for the girl's room?  
: : sewing  i have the fabric, the gorgeous pattern, finally the time - just don't have the motivation
: : wishing  we had a caravan for quick getaways (and a car with a tow ball would help too)
: : enjoying  taking Scarlett to her swimming lessons
: : remembering  Black Saturday and still seeing all the evidence
: : following  Fat Mum Slim's photo a day challenge
: : missing  sleep in's and lazy school holiday mornings
: : waiting for our apples to ripen ( pie)
: : looking  for some new shoes for Scarlett and i - i'm a fussy shoe shopper
: : liking  indoor plants - been buying a few lately
: : wondering  what kind of birthday cake to make for my baby girl next week?
: : loving  my new Blazer
: : hoping  for a beach visit asap
: : believing  Chas may just have shaken those bad influences
: : wearing  pj's,dressing gown and no make up - pretty.....not!
: : considering  going back to curls?
: : knowing  my baby's growing too quickly.........she's two next week
: : noticing  lots of cider drinks around lately, had one and i think i may just jump on the bandwagon
: : thinking  it's tricky to fill in all these blanks sometimes!
: : needing  to use all the yummy tomatoes we have & make some pizza sauce
: : giggling  at Amity's videos she makes on my iphone, gosh she's a character
: : organizing  my linen closet - it really needs it!
: : trying   to buy less clothes at work (trying, but i did really need a blazer)
: : feeling  creative in the kitchen lately

Also this month i was nominated for a blog award by the lovely Mardi at The Love Supreme, i was so chuffed when i received Mardi's message that she gave me the award - i have been following Mardi's scrapbooking & blog for a few years now, so am so grateful that she thought of me & my humble blog. Thanks Mardi!!! (And a big hello to all my new readers). I will do another post about this award as i need to choose five recipients for the award too.
And as usual to finish off some Pinterest loving for you all. Happy February my pretties. xxx

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Friggin Awesome Fritatta.

This awesome Fritatta is courtesy of our backyard...................spuds, corn, spring onion, chives & eggs from the lady chooks. Coles provided the fetta & even that was free, they gave me a sample to take home & try (but they didn't write the name on it, so i can't remember what it was called, but it's yummy!)
A delicious lunch or if you're like me, a lazy Sunday night dinner.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Five for Friday.

Snippets from our week......
{1}  Anzac bickies baked for back to school treats.
{2}Our animal lover was rapt to find these four kittens while out bike riding
{3}  First day of Grade Two & Grade One.
{4} A beautiful country side vista down the road from us. See those peaks in the far distance?
That's the High Country.
{5} Lazing in the hammock before all the back to school & extra work hours began.

Happy weekend to you all, hope it's a lovely one for you! I'm working all weekend so mine will begin Monday. Don't forget to check out my photo a day on flickr or Instagram, it's been lots of fun. xxx

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Photo a day Challenge.

This month i've decided to join in on fatmumslim's photo a day challenge. I enjoyed seeing every one's photos & interpretations on the themes in January & have been really looking forward to getting started on February. I will be taking the photos on my iphone & sharing them via Instagram (find me @franklymydear_malea) & i'll also be uploading them to my flickr page here, so you can check them out there if you're not on Instagram. If you're doing this challenge let me know & i'll follow along with you too. Now off to do a photo for day one...........

Sunday, January 29, 2012

A perfect Summer's Day.

Sheesh two posts in one day - that's a record for me! 
Today was one of those wonderfully perfect days..........the days i wish for almost all year long, the kind i dream about on a chilly winter's day.  The Bloke had heard about a fantastic swimming hole just out of Briagolong, Gippsland a few years ago & we had intended to go check it out one day.
 Finally today was the day.
 Yesterday i baked yummy bread rolls & brownies for a picnic lunch & we did a bit of research to find out where this place was. It took us an hour to get there...........a u-turn for a missed road & a stop  at tiny general store for directions.........but we found it - Blue Pool it's called.

It was so relaxing & the water was lovely. Such a beautiful spot in basically the middle of nowhere - a huge swimming hole provided for us by mother nature. We will definitely go back.
Then it was home for more swimming in our pool & some harvesting from our vegie patch to make dinner. We spotted these couple of possums on the chook house roof pilfering nectarines from the tree that hangs over the back fence.

I hope there's many, many more of these awesome days.


I'm a sucker for a bit of floral cross-stitch goodness, i have a box full in my linen closet that i've collected from oppys. Usually i just can't bear to cut up & create something that someone has put so much hard work into, but i love this new find so much that i don't like the idea of it hiding away in a box - so i think this one will be turned into a pretty cushion for our bed. Good old country town thrifting, always comes up trumps! Once again i'm linking up with Her Library Adventures..........pop on over to see some more thrifting loveliness & all the usual awesomeness that Sophie shares with us.

Friday, January 27, 2012

C is for Jack.

So the other  night while i was whipping up this map covered C for Chas, he informs me he longer wants to be known as Chas. He is now Jack. So i tell him the C will be going in my room then & i will now be known as Colleen. Apparently only i can call him Chas, but only sometimes so that means the C can still be for his room.

It's been a while since i've played with paper &it was fun! I bought the C from a cheapo shop for a couple of bucks & found an old school atlas at an op-shop. I covered the C in mod podge then stuck on the maps, when the mod podge dried i sand papered the edges smooth. To finish i then coated the whole lot in mod podge. I'm not sure whether to cover the inside in map or not, what do you think?
I'm feeling very creative at the moment & have some delicious new fabrics to play with as soon as i have a bit of precious time.........

And here's my three little Aussies celebrating Australia day yesterday, we had a fun day - hope yours was great too! xxx

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Jam Drops. (This one's for you Mrs Rhone).

I enjoy good old fashioned baking, stuff my gran would've made & are still just as yummy today. The other day Amity & i made these (and Scarlett ate the cookie dough).

I found a recipe & then tweaked it a bit to suit us better, we used Blackcurrant jam & Apple, Rhubarb & Cinnamon conserve to fill them. Still eating them to decide which flavour is my favourite............but i think they'll taste really good with homemade plum jam. (wink wink Mrs Rhone). Here's the recipe:

Jam Drops
3/4 cup SR flour
3 tbsps rice flour
70g butter, softened
4 tbsps caster sugar
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp vanilla essence

Preheat oven to 180c. Line trays with baking paper. Cream together butter & sugar until light & fluffy, then beat in egg & vanilla. Fold in the flours until just combined. Roll one teaspoon of the mixture into a ball & put on a tray. Repeat with all the mixture. Press an indent into the centre of each cookie & fill with a little jam. Bake for 8 - 10 minutes or until golden.
Makes about 30.

Enjoy!  I am planning a new & very exciting baking adventure soon, finger's crossed it turns out & i'll share it with you.

Monday, January 23, 2012

From the Patch - Peas.

Oh my goodness there's nothing better than fresh peas straight from the garden! So sweet & yummy. Peas from our patch rarely make into our house............three little munckins go to The Patch when they're hungry & eat them fresh (and One Bloke!). But occasionally when no one is looking i'll sneak out & pick a handful & then smuggle them into the kitchen to make the yummiest salad ever. I saw Jamie Oliver making this on one of his very first cooking shows (back in the early days of lusting after him), it is so simple & soooooo good. Do yourself a favour - try it.

Baby Spinach, Fresh Pea & Fetta Salad.

2 large handfuls baby spinach
1 large handful fresh peas
firm fetta cheese
Blanch the peas in boiling water. Allow peas to cool & toss with the spinach. Crumble fetta over the top, then dress with olive oil & white wine vinegar or lemon juice.

This recipe may seem a tad vague, but really it's that simple you don't even need a recipe - just toss the ingredients together. I prefer to use an Australian fetta, i've tried a Danish one before & found it smooshed too much, so a firmer one works better. Thanks Jamie - you're an inspiration in my kitchen! (And yes i'm still lusting after you..........)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Instagram..............Instant Addiction.

I downloaded the Instagram app onto my phone the day i bought it & became instantly addicted. I love being able to take photos anytime, anywhere & editing them instantly & then sharing them. I love seeing new photos in my feed of people who i follow - especially their 'photo a day' photos & their interpretations on the daily theme.
Scenic drives are the best
A scenic drive with my sister.

Yes please

I guess it's a good 'sign' they've been in business for a long time?

Prettiest church ever

Prettiest little church ever.

Peeling at the boys next door through a hole in the fence

My little Scarlett peeking at the boys next door through a hole in the fence.

If you're on Instagram you'll find me under Franklymydear_malea, & i'd love to see your photos too -  if not download the app & join the addiction!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

School holiday fun.

I love the school holidays, i really enjoy the lack of routine and the carefree time we have. I have, however found that as the kids are getting older i need to keep them busy or they become bored very quickly. One thing i had promised them to do was to go to Melbourne and visit the museum, this had been something i had intended to do for the last few years. So yesterday the two big kids and i finally boarded a train bound for the city.....
Train trip

Melbourne museum
Butterflies at museum
Lots to see and do!
Melbourne museum
The museum was pretty awesome, i just went with the flow and let the kids look at whatever they liked and just followed them as they ran from display to display. And of course, there was the few occassions when they went in opposite directions and i lost them for a little while.......whoops! After the museum we headed to the Treasury Gardens - what a beautiful place! Captain Cook's cottage, the fairy tree, The mini Tudor Village & the pretty, pretty Conservatory garden.

Cook's cottage
Conservatory at treasury gardens
Fairy tree
We had a good cheap day out & arrived home a little weary! I think we will definitely make it a tradtition to take a train trip to the city every school holidays, it's a whole other world to my country bumpkin kids!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


My 20 cent noritake opshop find. Yellow roses are my favourite.

A little activity we've started doing these school holidays is taking family drives to small towns near us - we then find the local park/s for the kids to explore & play on.......nothing like a new park when you're a kid. Then we search for an opshop & have a little treasure hunt (this is mum's favourite part). Unfortunately on our latest adventure we didn't find much, but i did find this very pretty Noritake saucer for a whopping 20 cents! And as a bonus, yellow roses are my favourites. I can't wait for our next adventure, in the meantime i'll be hanging out at Sophie's.......there's always lots of lovely treasures to be found there.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A good day.

Today was a good day - a carefree, easy breezy day! We are one child down (thanks nan & pa), so the rest of us headed to the local shopping centre. The Bloke & one child headed to the movies, so that left me & the remaining brat child to do a spot of shopping. And what a good day for shopping it was.....

Kitchen plant

I've wanted a nice little indoor plant for the kitchen for a while now & today i finally remembered to get one. I think he'll be happy here, enjoying the dregs from the kids water bottles.

Oh dear.....what to make first ?!

And this!!! Oh my dear, i have been lusting after this book for a while now, so was very pleasantly surprised when i found it in a country town bookstore! This has stacks of beautiful patterns for sewing girl's clothes from sizes 2 - 10, so i imagine i will get lots of use from this book over the years & *may* never need to buy any patterns again. If you have girls (Kelly!), i highly recommend this gorgeous book. Only problem now is, i'll have to buy some fabric & then decide what to make first...........sigh.
I also bought some pearl paints for some arty fun for Amity, cute little deer t-shirt for Scarlett & an iphone cover for mumma. Gee i despise shopping....... (can you detect the sarcasm tonight?)

Then this arvo, we kidnapped our little next door neighbour & went for a walk along some country roads.


We returned our neighbour & hung out at his place for a while & then i had to get myself off to work for the dreaded late-night-shopping shift. And now i'm ready to hit the sack & drool over my new book. Hope your day was as easy breezy as mine!